Tuesday, 30 September 2008

There once was a country that swallowed a bank...

So it's happened again, another Banking Society in the UK has collapsed. Unlike Northen Rock though, apparently this Nationalisation means that Bradford and Bingley will now longer Operate. They are being bought by a foreign company that owns the Abbey. Its been happening all over though, about FOUR banks in Europe collapsed before Lunchtime in London Yesterday, and the 5th largest bank in America was also nationalised.

It never just rains it pours. Won't need that Umbrella anymore though mate.

There was a big meeting in the US, where they were deciding whether or not to bail out the banks with a multi Billion Pound bail out. They decided not to. I dont get what the point of having money is if your not gonna use it. The man said 'I wish I could eat and not get fatter, but I can't do that.' This didn't prove his point in my head, because if he is a greedy s.o.b and eats too much, thats his own greediness, this is about helping out others.

I was thinking about the Song about the women who swallowed a Fly. Why go and Swallow all them other animals after the fly. I would of waited for the fly to die, or just drunk some Coke or something, surely that would of killed the fly. Instead she just keeps eating the animals and ends up dieing. She probablly started off trying to get rid of the animals, but after eating the bird got a bit Greedy and just thought a Cat would be nice to eat as well. She died on the horse. This is why I dont like trying new food.

I watched a programme on the Amazon last night, and the guy on the programme and one point was going along with loggers for 2 days. They seemed nice guys, but I was annoyed with them because they were killing and eating monkeys. These wern't native tribes people, they were Brazilian, and it just got me thinking, surely eating Monkeys is the nearest thing possible to canabalism. I wasn't too impressed

Busy day today, need to go Job hunting. Better get moving, more tommorow.

Monday, 29 September 2008

Sunday Suckatarge

Poker didn't go as planned last night, ended up being 119 Participants, and i was knocked out in 69th Place. So i was in the bottom half, wasn't too pleased with that. Wasn't too pleased with how my hand got beaten either, my A8 vs 3's, me hitting my Ace but the other guy hitting the 3 to make his set. I read him right though, that he has nothing big and was just trying move up the tourney ladder, but nonetheless, I was on the my out of the tournament door.

This leaves me with a new dilema. I have no money to be playing poker with now, so i'm going to have to make it. With a Job? No, i need that money to live. I'm going to have to start all over again winning money through freerolls. I'll post results of the freerolls i play during the day, and I shall see how I do making money. At the start of October I shall set myself a target amount of money I want to make by the end of the month, and see if I can meet it, following my progress through this blog. I need some discipline in my play, someone should stand behind me with a whip, ready to strike when I try to make the countless stupid moves I have recently been making. Preferablly a women not wearing many clothes.

I also began trying to look nice yesterday, putting on a nice shirt. I think I'm going for a smart casual look, as I'm still wearing jeans with the whole get up, and some mangy old trainers. Still it's an improvement. I think I need a haircut now though, because allthough my hair looks good when I am just wearing a normal T-Shirt, with a Smart shirt on it seems far too long to me. I also got two new Bracelt thingy-majiggys from Turkey. They are rater cool, made from leather, and tied together with rope. The one on my left wrist though keeps coming undone, and I can't do it up well on my own, I end up gripping one rope in my mouth and the other with my right hand. I also have a wallet, which is a good time to get a Wallet, so I can put my debit card with no money in there, and then have loads of free space. God Bless being Skint.

I wonder how they dealth with money in the stone age. Back then the money was made out of Stone, so would have ruined a leather wallet. I wouldn't want to carry around a stone wallet with me, it would be too heavy, and would keep digging in my side as I was walking.

5 pence peice
The most annoying Coin

I think we have too much money now. Not too much as In that we are rich, but just too many coins. the 1p and 2p coin annoy me abit, because they arn't worth anything now aday's, and if you need change then have one or the other. The 5p is a bit annoying as well. But i suppose if you need 15p change, then you would have to have both 1 and 2, or the 5 and either 1 or 2. The world would be simpler if we didn't use stupid ammounts of money. Things that are 99p annoy me abit, because it just means I have to be carrying a penny around with my for the rest of the day.

Saturday, 27 September 2008

So Deep a Sleep

Last night i tried my hardest to stay awake for a long time, but come around 4am my eyes began to shut and i fell asleep the sofa, to be awoken by the cat Scratching my arm. Last time I ever share the sofa with the cat!

I decided to go upstairs, set an alarm every 20 minutes so i was actually kind of awake, but by the 4th time of doing this I was out like a light. Come 6am, Grandparents arrive home, but im not answering the door because i am out cold. 45 minutes later, 17 missed calls, countless knocks on the door and ringing of the bell and i stir, go down and take the lock off the door, to countless moans of 'You Idiot why are you putting the chain on the door for!'

But for having around only 2 hours sleep yesterday i coped with the day farely well I believe. Went to my Theatre Classes, didn't fall asleep or feel tired at all for the whole day.

I no longer have the full-time use of my laptop at the moment, because the charger is broken on mine, and am having to share my Grandad's laptop charger. Obviously now that he is back from holiday he is wanting to use it, which means my piece of crap that can only last 10 seconds without being charged into the mains is relativly useless to me for the most part.

This means that my old house, where my mum lives is now not being neglected as it has been for the last two weeks, as there is a PC there i can use all the time. So I will be in there for most of the time now I should believe. Bit annoying though, not as comfortable being in their dining room. Wooden floors aren't cool, mouse is a bit stiff, and if I'm up so late that i crash in their Im sleeping on the sofa... Actually those are some damn comfy sofa's

Had Salsa with Doritos last night. Well, I WOULD have has Salsa with Doritos, if my mother didn't feel the urge to take the pot I was struggling to open, then while pulling the lid off, flip the whole thing over me. I was covered in the stuff, all over my leg, and all over the space in which i was sitting. I used the Doritos to clean up the mess. Waste not want not.

I think Im doing Ok with keeping up with this blog so far, the way I have set it means It dates the entries, so has me feeling i should only really do one a day. This is better because then I feel i can recap the whole of the previous day. So Children, yesterdays main events where.

1) No Sleep
2) Being Salsa'd

Arn't you glad you read this interesting blog :)

Tonight is the night of the Big Satelite Tournament on Paddy Poker. $215 entry, Top 3 win $4,500 packages to the Irish Masters, Including Hotel, Flight and spending money. Wish me luck!

More tomorow x

Funny Friday Feeling

Well, in fairness it is now technically saturday morning, but that would have messed up my... alliteration? Using the 3 F's in a row. My brain has gone to nothingness over the last couple of years, i just forget everything.

Don't feel too well tonight. Stood up about 10 minutes ago and my stomach churned a bit, and now i just feel rather dizzy and feel like I need to be sick. And I havn't even had a drink tonight. Tipical.

Had a bad poker day as well today, havn't won much money at all, been having really bad luck. I think I have become to inquisitive in my hand. It seems even when i know i am losing, i will still throw away my chips to see, because i am curious and want to see my opponents hand. Also I get distracted by tv, the internet, or the damn telephone ringing every ten minutes.

Listening to the 5th series of the Ricky Gervais Podcast. I reccomend it to you all, is some very funny stuff, Karl Pilkington is once again on great form with his idiotic ideas ( i think he is a genius though!) Its the best thing on my Ipod now. I did have the other 4 series, but since changing computers I no longer have them, so am going to have to buy them again. Can't do that at the moment, because i have no money! Job hunting continues on monday! I need some more songs on my ipod to, only have 100 or so at the moment.

This week has flown past again. hard to believe that we are nearly 10 months into 2008. Roll on 2009, is gonna be a weird year. A lot of change is gonna be happening.

Shall write more tonight.

Friday, 26 September 2008

The first Blog here

I've decided to begin writing my blog, as it is the online diary, and seems cheaper then buying a paper back book, and also means i won't have to squeeze my barely recognisable writing onto half a page every day.

This blog is more for me then for the people who read it, rather selfish aren't I?

Warning for the next year and 3 months that i do this blog:

1) I cannot spell
2) I go dangerously off topic all the time
3) I can rant crazy and swear the f****** house down
4) Im crazy

My plan is to from January make the blog proper daily, maybe by splitting it up into a blog and a diary, so that at the end of the year i can publish the diary. I think once its out in public domain though i won't be aloud to publish it... I'm not too fussed.

Anyways, nobody is reading this, but im gonna keep writing.
